Lifestyle Archives - Sparkle Confidential A Lifestyle Blog Thu, 31 Dec 2020 12:03:45 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 9 of the Best Crime Fiction + Psychological Thriller Books Mon, 18 May 2020 16:08:51 +0000 I’m an avid reader – always has been – and for sheer indulgent pleasure my go-to genre is crime fiction and especially psychological thrillers. Today, I’m going to share with you my 9 all-time favorites. And if there’s anything better than reading a book myself, it’s the luxury of having the book read to me. […]

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I’m an avid reader – always has been – and for sheer indulgent pleasure my go-to genre is crime fiction and especially psychological thrillers. Today, I’m going to share with you my 9 all-time favorites.

And if there’s anything better than reading a book myself, it’s the luxury of having the book read to me. I’ve been a member of Audible for many years now and I wouldn’t be without it. Audiobooks are ideal for making use of time spent commuting, doing housework or at the gym, and they’re great for road-trips too. I have listened to the audiobook version of every one of the books I’m going to recommend to you today and I believe the narration to have made each of them a superior experience. If you’re undecided, it’s worth bearing in mind that Audible offers a free 30-day trial. You can cancel anytime, and anything you download is yours to keep forever. So, you have nothing to lose and I’m sure you’ll soon be hooked, like me, if you try any of books I’m going to share with you today.

So, here we go with 9 crime fiction and psychological thriller audiobooks that I have absolutely L-O-V-E-D…

The Death of Mrs Westaway by Ruth Ware

“When Harriet Westaway receives an unexpected letter telling her she’s inherited a substantial bequest from her Cornish grandmother, it seems like the answer to her prayers. She owes money to a loan shark, and the threats are getting increasingly aggressive: she needs to get her hands on some cash fast.

There’s just one problem – Hal’s real grandparents died more than 20 years ago. The letter has been sent to the wrong person. But Hal knows that the cold-reading techniques she’s honed as a seaside fortune-teller could help her con her way to getting the money. If anyone has the skills to turn up at a stranger’s funeral and claim a bequest they’re not entitled to, it’s her.

Hal makes a choice that will change her life forever. But once she embarks on her deception, there is no going back. She must keep going or risk losing everything, even her life….”

The Child
by Fiona Barton

“When a paragraph in an evening newspaper reveals a decades-old tragedy, most readers barely give it a glance. But for three strangers, it’s impossible to ignore.

For one woman it’s a reminder of the worst thing that ever happened to her.

For another it’s the dangerous possibility that her darkest secret is about to be discovered.

And for a third, a journalist, it’s the first clue in a hunt to uncover the truth.

The Child’s story will be told.”

The Girl on the Train
by Paula Hawkins

“What would you do if you caught a glimpse of something you weren’t supposed to see? Would you come forward? Would you let yourself get sucked into the mystery?

Rachel catches the same commuter train every morning. She knows it will wait at the same signal each time, overlooking a row of back gardens. She’s even started to feel like she knows the people who live in one of the houses. Jess and Jason, she calls them. Their life – as she sees it – is perfect. If only Rachel could be that happy.

And then she sees something shocking. It’s only a minute until the train moves on, but it’s enough. Now everything’s changed. Now Rachel has a chance to become a part of the lives she’s only watched from afar. Now they’ll see – she’s much more than just the girl on the train…”

The Woman in Cabin 10
by Ruth Ware

“This was meant to be the perfect trip. The northern lights. A press launch on a luxury cruise ship. A chance for travel journalist Lo Blackwood to recover from a traumatic break-in that has left her on the verge of collapse and to work out what she wants from her relationship.

Except things don’t go as planned. Woken in the night by screams, Lo rushes to her window to see a body thrown overboard from the next-door cabin. But the records show that no one ever checked in to that cabin, and no passengers are missing from the boat.

Exhausted, emotional and increasingly desperate, Lo has to face the fact that her sleep problems might be driving her mad, or she is trapped on a boat with a murderer – and she is the sole witness…”

The Couple Next Door
by Shari Lapena

“People are capable of almost anything.

Fast-paced and addictive, The Couple Next Door announces a major new talent in thriller writing.

You never know what’s happening on the other side of the wall.

Your neighbour told you that she didn’t want your six-month-old daughter at the dinner party. Nothing personal, she just couldn’t stand her crying.

Your husband said it would be fine. After all, you live only next door. You’ll have the baby monitor, and you’ll take it in turns to go back every half hour.

Your daughter was sleeping when you checked on her last. But now, as you race up the stairs in your deathly quiet house, your worst fears are realised. She’s gone.

You’ve never had to call the police before. But now they’re in your home, and who knows what they’ll find there.

What would you be capable of when pushed past your limit?”

In a Cottage in a Wood
by Cass Green

“Her dream home will become her worst nightmare…

A strange encounter.

Neve comes across a troubled woman called Isabelle on Waterloo Bridge late one night. Isabelle forces a parcel into Neve’s hands and jumps to her death in the icy Thames below.

An unexpected gift.

Two weeks later, as Neve’s wreck of a life in London collapses, an unexpected lifeline falls into her lap – a charming cottage in Cornwall left to her by Isabelle, the woman on the bridge. The solution to all her problems.

A twisted secret.

But when Neve arrives, alone in the dark woods late one night, she finds a sinister-looking bungalow with bars across its windows. And her dream home quickly becomes her worst nightmare – a house hiding a twisted secret that will change her life forever…”

Big Little Lies
by Liane Moriarty

“Pirriwee Public is a beautiful little beachside primary school where children are taught that ‘sharing is caring’. So how has the annual School Trivia Night ended in full-blown riot? Sirens are wailing. People are screaming. The principal is mortified.

And one parent is dead.

Was it a murder, a tragic accident, or just good parents gone bad? As the parents at Pirriwee Public are about to discover, sometimes it’s the little lies that turn out to be the most lethal. Little Lies is a brilliant take on ex-husbands and second wives, mothers and daughters, school-yard scandal, and the dangerous little lies we tell ourselves just to survive.”

by C.L. Taylor

“All Anna wants is to be able to sleep. But crushing insomnia, terrifying night terrors and memories of that terrible night are making it impossible. If only she didn’t feel so guilty…

To escape her past, Anna takes a job at a hotel on the remote Scottish island of Rum, but when seven guests join her, what started as a retreat from the world turns into a deadly nightmare.

Each of the guests has a secret, but one of them is lying – about who they are and why they’re on the island. There’s a murderer staying in the Bay View hotel. And they’ve set their sights on Anna.

Seven strangers. Seven secrets. One deadly lie.

Someone’s going to sleep and never wake up…”

In a Dark, Dark Wood
by Ruth Ware

“Someone’s getting married. Someone’s getting murdered.

Nora hasn’t seen Clare for ten years. Not since Nora walked out of school one day and never went back.

There was a dark, dark house.

Until, out of the blue, an invitation to Clare’s hen do arrives. Is this a chance for Nora to finally put her past behind her?

And in the dark, dark house, there was a dark, dark room.

But something goes wrong. Very wrong.

And in the dark, dark room… Some things can’t stay secret forever.”

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Our Favorite Cooperative Board Games Sat, 16 May 2020 13:33:48 +0000 For the last few years, we have been trying to watch less television. I thought it would be difficult, especially during the winter months, but it was surprisingly easy. As soon as we started to replace our viewing time with other activities such as board games, puzzles, jigsaws and audiobooks, the television became instantly less […]

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For the last few years, we have been trying to watch less television. I thought it would be difficult, especially during the winter months, but it was surprisingly easy. As soon as we started to replace our viewing time with other activities such as board games, puzzles, jigsaws and audiobooks, the television became instantly less appealing and we hardly watch it at all now!

As a family, we have always enjoyed board games, but it was 4 years ago when we tried our first cooperative board game. ‘Cooperative’ simply refers to a game in which all players work together towards a common goal, so you all win (or lose) together. This ethic suits our family really well as we sometimes struggle not to help each other out!

The cooperative aspect really promotes communication too as it is obviously necessary to discuss how to best coordinate your efforts. On that note, we always make sure each player has a chance to express their opinion, to avoid one or two more assertive players dominating the game. It’s only respectful after all and, played in this way, these games can really boost the confidence of quieter players.

I’m really pleased that we discovered cooperative board games and today I’d like to share with you (in no particular order because their ranking varies with my mood!) our top 8 games in this genre so far:

1. Pandemic

The co-operative board game that we tried first was Pandemic, which came highly recommended by a friend and self-confessed ‘board game geek’.

In Pandemic, the players are on a mission to curtail the spread of four virulent diseases which have broken out all over the world, whilst simultaneously researching cures for each of them.

We cannot recommend Pandemic more! Since our very first game, we have been pretty addicted and even between games we will often discuss the strategies that we want to try when we next play.

2. Flash Point

The next cooperative board game that we added to our collection was Flash Point, in which players take on the roles of a team of firefighters trying to control the spread of a building fire and rescue the victims before the building collapses.

Flash Point is very accessible for all levels and even includes two sets of rules, allowing both a basic and an expert version of the game to be played, the latter of which allows variations on game difficulty from novice to heroic. The game also includes a double-sided board with a different building plan on each side, each presenting different challenges to keep the game fresh and exciting.

3. Robinson Crusoe

The theme of Robinson Crusoe must be the best you could ever imagine and you really do feel as though you are shipwreck survivors trapped on a island, totally immersed in the adventure.

However, I will warn you that this game is extremely challenging! We have only ever won it once… but somehow that doesn’t matter. Win or lose, it is an awesome game in every way and when (or if) you finally do win – wow, will you feel like you’ve conquered the world?!

4. Arkham Horror: The Card Game

This is a ‘Living Card Game’ set amid a backdrop of Lovecraftian monsters and madness, and you are investigators working to unravel arcane mysteries and conspiracies.

Arkham Horror: The Card Game can be played as a series of standalone adventures, but the game’s adventures are designed as parts of larger campaigns. Each of the adventures will carry you deeper into mystery, bringing up as many questions as answers, and the choices that you make in one adventure will have consequences later on in your campaign.

It really is a fantastic game, quite unlike anything I had played before, and I defy you not to get hooked! (With so many expansion packs available, it can be a pricey addiction though…)

5. Commissioned

Commissioned is a biblically themed game in which players work cooperatively in order to spread the growth of the church throughout the world.

The concept is pretty much the reverse of Pandemic, since you are trying to spread the growth of the church as opposed to curtailing the spread of disease.

6. T.I.M.E. Stories

T.I.M.E. Stories will see you and your team time traveling and working cooperatively to solve a mystery in a different era. If you can’t complete the adventure in time – and I’ll guarantee that you won’t! – you’ll be sent back to the start of the mission for another attempt.

Bear in mind that, once solved, this game cannot be replayed. However, a number of expansions are available and every one we have played has been truly excellent.

7. This War of Mine

This War of Mine is an absolutely fantastic game and it’s one of our favorites, but it’s not for everyone! You play as a group of civilians trying to survive in a besieged and conflict-ridden city. You will endure many hardships that test the essence of humanity – struggling with lack of food, medicine and the constant danger from snipers and hostile scavengers.

It’s a perfect cooperative game for 2 people who are prepared to make some difficult and often harrowing decisions together. It’s a gruelling game that you are unlikely to win and you will most likely leave the experience as an emotionally damaged shadow of your former self… and yet still we love it and would wholeheartedly recommend it! Replay-ability is excellent as the story changes every time you play. Incidentally, I also bought the Nintendo Switch version of this game, but we prefer the board game by far.

8. Dead of Winter

In Dead of Winter you play as a small, weakened colony of survivors in a world where most of humanity is either dead or diseased, flesh-craving monsters.

Dead of Winter is a meta-cooperative psychological survival game. This means players are working together toward one common victory condition – but for each individual player to achieve victory, he must also complete his personal secret objective. This secret objective could relate to a psychological tick that’s fairly harmless to most others in the colony, a dangerous obsession that could put the main objective at risk, a desire for sabotage of the main mission, or (worst of all) vengeance against the colony!

It’s a story-centric game about surviving through a harsh winter in an apocalyptic world. The survivors are all dealing with their own psychological imperatives, but must still find a way to work together to fight off outside threats, resolve crises, find food and supplies and keep the colony’s morale up. Dead of Winter has players making frequent, difficult, heavily- thematic, wildly-varying decisions that often have them deciding between what is best for the colony and what is best for themselves.

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The Best Banana Bread Recipe (Ever.) Mon, 04 May 2020 15:13:07 +0000 Who doesn’t love banana bread? With its irresistible hot-from-the-oven aroma, it’s a firm family favorite in our house. Whenever I see ripe bananas in the fruit bowl, their spots call out for me to make banana bread. Banana bread is a really versatile melt-in-the-mouth treat. It goes well served with a cup of tea when […]

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Who doesn’t love banana bread? With its irresistible hot-from-the-oven aroma, it’s a firm family favorite in our house. Whenever I see ripe bananas in the fruit bowl, their spots call out for me to make banana bread.

Banana bread is a really versatile melt-in-the-mouth treat. It goes well served with a cup of tea when friends visit, as a weekend brunch, a decadent breakfast served with a bowl of milky coffee, or as a simple dessert. And I’ve discovered it also makes a great gift!

The Recipe


  • 75g dried apricots – the squidgy ones that come ready to eat
  • 75g sultanas
  • 1 lemon
  • 100g unsalted butter, soft but not melted
  • 125g caster sugar
  • 2 large eggs
  • 3 large ripe bananas (It’s important that the bananas are really ripe – not just yellow, but generously freckled with brown spots.)
  • 200g self-raising flour


  1. Preheat the oven to 170°C / 150°C fan / 325°F / gas mark 3. Have ready a loaf tin measuring about 13cm x 23cm x 7cm. Either line the tin with baking parchment, or grease the tin and line the base.
  2. Chop the apricots so that the pieces are roughly the same size as the sultanas.
  3. Grate the zest of the lemon.
  4. Cream the butter and sugar in a mixing bowl, until well blended, smooth and creamy. You may simply use a wooden spoon, or use a stand mixer (fitted with a paddle or whisk attachment) on high speed for about 2 minutes.
  5. Break in an egg and beat it into the mixture completely, then repeat for the second egg.
  6. Add the dried fruit and lemon zest.
  7. Mash the bananas well with a fork, or slice the bananas into large pieces and place in the bowl of your stand mixer, gradually increasing from low to medium-high speed until you have mashed banana. Add the mashed banana to the mixing bowl and stir well.
  8. Sift the flour into the bowl and carefully fold this into the mixture with a large metal spoon, or use your stand mixer on low speed. Either way, make sure you don’t leave any ‘pockets’ of flour.
  9. Scrape the mixture into the prepared loaf tin and gently level the top with the back of the spoon.
  10. Put the tin into the oven and bake for about an hour – but check it after 50 minutes. It is ready when you can insert a knife into the middle and it comes out completely clean.
  11. Leave the cake in its tin on a wire rack to cool for about 15 minutes, then turn it out of the tin and peel off the baking parchment.


The banana bread is delicious to eat when it’s still just a little bit warm, but it can be stored in a tin and will remain moist for a couple of days.


This banana bread also tastes great with added chopped walnuts and/or chocolate chips. (I actually prefer it with both.) Try adding 1 cup of either, or both, to the banana bread batter.

Get the Kit

KitchenAid Stand Mixer
A stand mixer certainly isn’t essential but it’ll make baking a whole lot easier. The KitchenAid Stand Mixer is my hands-down favorite, for its features as well as its looks!
This 1-pound loaf tin is a perfect size for this recipe. The baking surface is uncoated and it’s made from heavy-weight aluminized steel for superior heat conduction and even baking.
I never would have thought it possible to feel so strongly about mixing bowls but these bowls really do tick every box. They are made of stainless steel and feature a pour spout, a non-slip base and a rubber handle that makes them comfortable to hold.
This wire cooling rack is particularly sturdy. It is made from stainless steel and is such good quality that it is sure to last you a lifetime.

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Must-Have Products to Help Your Family in the war against Coronavirus Fri, 24 Apr 2020 17:29:00 +0000 As the world battles the coronavirus, #stayhomesavelives becomes the new normal. Earlier this month, my best friend was diagnosed with COVID-19. Luckily her symptoms were relatively mild. She was able to stay at home, in isolation, and she recovered completely within a couple of weeks. It made me consider the products I would like to […]

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As the world battles the coronavirus, #stayhomesavelives becomes the new normal. Earlier this month, my best friend was diagnosed with COVID-19. Luckily her symptoms were relatively mild. She was able to stay at home, in isolation, and she recovered completely within a couple of weeks. It made me consider the products I would like to have at home if I were in a similar situation, just in case they might ease the symptoms a little. (No promises peeps – I have no medical training.) I’ve also included my other lockdown essentials and the products I’m relying on to help keep my home germ-free.

This infrared forehead thermometer gives a fast and accurate reading for babies, children and adults.
Your smartphone is probably the one item you touch most over the course of a day, meaning it is likely harboring a fair few germs! Simply pop it in this sanitizing case and let ultraviolet lights kill the bacteria whilst your phone is charging.
Salt pipes are clinically proven to ease breathing, helping with sinus problems, allergies, the common cold, hay fever and congestion.
Low humidity can cause or worsen a dry cough. This humidifier adds moisture to the air, making breathing easier.
When lockdown prevents you being with loved ones, use the Facebook Portal TV to video call with them – on the largest screen in your home.

Olbas Oil is an effective decongestant. The natural vapours relieve blocked noses.
Anti-bacterial and anti-virus surface spray cleaner and disinfectant.
This alcohol-free hand sanitizer kills 99.99% bacteria and, as an added bonus, this one offers 24-hour protection too.

Keeping active is also really important and I’m grateful for my Nintendo Switch fitness games for providing me with a fun way to exercise indoors. As a family, we love cooperative board games and right now one of our favorites, Pandemic, is particularly apt! We’re really enjoying the extra time to play board games, do some jigsaw puzzles and spend time in the garden, playing backyard games, working in our vegetable patch or simply reading. (Right now, I’m enjoying Longbourn by Jo Baker.)

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Gift Ideas for a Stardew Valley Fan Thu, 23 Apr 2020 14:32:27 +0000 Stardew Valley was one of the first games I bought for my Nintendo Switch and so far it is my all-time favorite game. It’s already given me more than 130 hours of joy and I anticipate many more to come. Stardew Valley is an open-ended country-life RPG in which you inherit your grandfather’s old farm […]

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Stardew Valley was one of the first games I bought for my Nintendo Switch and so far it is my all-time favorite game. It’s already given me more than 130 hours of joy and I anticipate many more to come.

Stardew Valley is an open-ended country-life RPG in which you inherit your grandfather’s old farm plot set out to begin a new life there, living off the land, befriending the villagers and becoming part of the community. It is available on other consoles too – such as PlayStation 4 and Xbox One – and there are also mobile versions for iOS and Android.

And wow, is this game addictive?! Fans of this game would surely love a Stardew Valley-related gift, but if you’re not a player yourself you’re probably overwhelmed by the lingo. Fear not! I’ve put together a selection of the best Stardew Valley gifts that any fan of the game would adore…

This Stardew Valley Guidebook is the essential almanac for all farmers.

It’s beautifully illustrated and its 264 pages are packed full of all the info players need to have at hand.

This cross stitch pattern of the Stardew Valley map would make a wonderful gift for a fan who’s also into needlepoint crafts, or why not create it yourself and gift it ready-made?

The pattern measures 140×87 stitches and the color chart is for DMC floss.

In Stardew Valley, players give the Mermaid’s Pendant to the character they would like to marry.

If you’re proposing to a Stardew Valley fan, this pendant would be such a lovely addition to the more conventional engagement ring!

This coffee mug will be a sure hit with any Stardew Valley fan. Much like in real life, drinking coffee in Stardew Valley gives the player a boost. In the game, the speed of the player and the player’s horse is increased after drinking coffee. This mug features the information about coffee as it is viewed in-game.

Every Stardew Valley player loves the Junimos – the forest spirits who take up residence in the broken down Community Center and who, later in the game, help the player to harvest their crops.

This large plush Junimo is adorable and is sure to put a smile on any Stardew Valley fan’s face.

This Stardew Valley blanket is made from an ultra-soft micro fleece and is super snuggly – just right for curling up on the sofa to play the game!

The image is the Stardew Valley map, although the artwork is of a different style to that used in the game itself.

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5 Best Jigsaw Puzzles for Adults Thu, 16 Apr 2020 14:58:51 +0000 As increasing measures are put in place to encourage us all to stay at home, there has been a surge in the demand for jigsaw puzzles. And I have jumped on the bandwagon. I’ve always enjoyed jigsaw puzzles, but I’m especially loving them right now. Not only are jigsaw puzzles a fun way to fill […]

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As increasing measures are put in place to encourage us all to stay at home, there has been a surge in the demand for jigsaw puzzles. And I have jumped on the bandwagon. I’ve always enjoyed jigsaw puzzles, but I’m especially loving them right now.

Not only are jigsaw puzzles a fun way to fill downtime at home, but I’m also noticing a positive effect on my mood. Time spent away from screens, focusing on a jigsaw puzzle, seems to generate a real sense of calm and peace. I’ve noticed that even shortly after sitting down to work on a jigsaw puzzle, I am already feeling less anxious and stressed – benefits I would normally expect to achieve only from yoga, meditation or long hike in the countryside. Working on a jigsaw puzzle in the evenings seems to still my mind, helping me to drift off to sleep easier.

So, I’ve put together my family’s ultimate list of our favorite jigsaw puzzles, in the hopes that you will enjoy them as much as we have, and hopefully notice the mental benefits too. We like jigsaw puzzles that are challenging but that also have bright and colorful pictures. Here are a few of our favorites…

Here are a few of our favorites…

The Things I Ate As A Kid jigsaw puzzle will bring a glorious touch of nostalgia to your table.

The colorful image is a jumble of classic sweet treats and goodies. It’s a real conversation starter and will get older generations reminiscing and sharing their childhood memories.

There are 1000 extra large puzzle pieces and the completed puzzle will measure 24″ x 30″.

Photomosaics puzzles are no ordinary jigsaw puzzles and this Tigger one is my favorite. The final image is made up of thousands of minature photographs – all of which are Disney movie frames. That does make them very challenging but they are a lot of fun and this one was loved by our whole family.

It has 1026 pieces and will measure 27″ x 20″.

The Wasgij puzzles are a real favorite in my family and we usually get one of their Christmas puzzles each Christmas.

Camping Commotion is one of the Wasgij Mystery series of puzzles, in which you have to use your imagination to piece together what will happen next to the characters in the image printed on the box. You look for your clue through the spy glass and puzzle how the characters are going to avoid their fate.

As is the case with all of the Wasgij puzzles, the picture is bright and colorful and there are lots of humorous mini-scenes drawn into the picture.

This puzzle has 1000 pieces and will measure 27″ x 20″.

Known as ‘The Painter of Light’, Thomas Kinkade’s artwork is truly stunning. And this Mickey and Minnie Sweetheart Cove jigsaw puzzle is no exception. He really captures the timeless magic of Disney, making this puzzle an absolute joy to complete.

This puzzle has 1000 pieces and will measure 69cm x 49cm.

If you’re a Where’s Wally? fan then you won’t want to miss this Wild Wild West themed jigsaw puzzle featuring our favorite character and his stripy shirt.

As anyone who knows the Where’s Wally? books would expect, the image is incredibly detailed. But it’s not overwhelming thanks to some very distinctive blocks of color.

This puzzle has 800 pieces and will measure 52cm x 38cm.

Must-Have Products for Jigsaw Puzzlers

This jigsaw puzzle case has been an absolute must-have for us. It means we can open it up onto the table to work on the puzzle and then zip it up and slot it behind the sofa, out of sight! And all without losing any progress we’ve made with the jigsaw puzzle. An absolute winner!

These stackable sorting trays are so helpful. I didn’t know they even existed until recently and wondered if they would be a purely frivolous purchase – but definitely not. They make sorting the jigsaw puzzle pieces by color or pattern a much more organised affair altogether.

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72 Ways to Make Money from Home Wed, 15 Apr 2020 08:44:00 +0000 So, you want to make money from home? I’ve got you covered, my friends 🙂 Below, I have listed jobs that can be done from the comfort of your home, at hours to suit you. They are ideal for stay-at-home parents, students or those who are setting up their own business but need to top […]

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So, you want to make money from home? I’ve got you covered, my friends 🙂

Below, I have listed jobs that can be done from the comfort of your home, at hours to suit you. They are ideal for stay-at-home parents, students or those who are setting up their own business but need to top up their income in the initial stages.

Whilst everything on this list will easily contribute to a part-time income, if you put in enough time and effort it’s certainly possible to make a full-time income – but you’re going to have to hustle peeps!

♥ Complete micro jobs listed on sites such as Amazon mTurk, ClickWorker, Crowdflower, OneSpace and Fancy Hands.

♥ Sell your handmade crafts on Etsy.

♥ Join a focus group at sites such as 20|20 Panel, FieldWork, Focus Group Global, Adlerweiner and Google Usability.

♥ There are many, many sites that will pay you to complete surveys but swagbucks is one of the most popular. They also allow you to make money by playing games, watching videos and more.

make money from home

♥ Make your own online course and sell it via Udemy.

♥ Test websites and apps. Jobs are available through the following sites: User Testing, Enroll, YouEye, What Users Do, Analysia, MyCrowd, StartUpLift, Validately, Erli Bird, TryMyUI, Userlytics, uTest, Testing Time, Userfeel, UserZoom.

♥ Offer your services on Fiverr. Similar sites include GigBucks, SEO Clerks, TaskArmy and Tenrr and Guru.

♥ If you are good at spotting hidden treasures at car boot sales, then you could make good money selling them on eBay.

♥ Become a mock juror at sites such as eJury, Jury Talk, Online Verdict, Jury Workshop and Virtual Jury.

♥ Proofreading jobs are available through the following sites: Scribendi, Wordy, Book in a Box, ProofreadingPal.

♥ Teach English online. Work is available through the following sites: italki, Cambly, English Hunt, GoFluent, iTutorGroup, Open English, SameSpeak, Learnlight, Berlitz, The Linguist, PalFish and NiceTalk.

♥ You could also teach a variety of other subjects online through, Creating Careers, Tutorhub, Prep Now, Homework Tutoring, PrePly, Reasoning Mind, ASAP Tutor, Chegg Tutors, Revolution Prep, Aim 4 A, Remilon, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, Prep Scholar, Elevate K12 and TutorVista.


The Passion Planner is hands-down my favorite planner… and, as a planner addict, I’ve tried a lot! This planner will have you crushing your goals in no time.
This light therapy lamp delivers UV-free natural light at an intensity of 10,000-lux, to mimic a bright sunny day. So you can receive the benefits of the sun whilst working indoors. Expect it to lift your mood and enhance your focus.
This laptop stand will keep you laptop running cooler. Plus, the adjustable height makes it easy to find a comfortable reading and typing position, reducing tension in your neck and shoulders. It also features a cord organizer to help keep your desktop tidy.
If using your laptop’s trackpad is a tad uncomfortable, this wireless mouse will give your wrists a break. It’s advanced ergonomic design supports your hand and wrist in a comfortable, natural position.

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5 Nintendo Switch Games that’ll get you Fit & Active while having Fun Fri, 10 Apr 2020 12:56:16 +0000 If you’ve got a Nintendo Switch then chances are you are spending the majority of your waking hours creating your perfect island in Animal Crossing: New Horizons. (And there’s nothing wrong with that – it’s the perfect feel-good escape from real-world problems that we all need right now.) But maybe, just maybe, you should move […]

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If you’ve got a Nintendo Switch then chances are you are spending the majority of your waking hours creating your perfect island in Animal Crossing: New Horizons. (And there’s nothing wrong with that – it’s the perfect feel-good escape from real-world problems that we all need right now.) But maybe, just maybe, you should move off the couch and get your heart pumping from time to time…? (Just saying.)

Whether you want to keep fit, lose weight or get the kids moving, the Nintendo Switch has some great options…

Ring Fit Adventure
This has got to be the ultimate game if you’re looking for a workout. It’s as easy or hard as you want it to be – making it suitable for gym bunnies and couch potatoes alike. Plus it really is fun. What more can you ask for? This game could literally replace your gym membership!

Zumba: Burn It Up!
With it’s high-energy routines and chart-topping hits, this is the ultimate dance party. You’ll be burning calories in no time! And with classes lasting up to 60 minutes there’s potential here for a serious workout.

Grab those Joy-Cons for some motion-controlled fisticuffs! You’ll be using stretchy weaponised arms to punch, thump and knock-out opponents. And don’t forget to dodge your opponent’s incoming attacks too. With both single and multiplayer options, this is one addictive game!

Fitness Boxing
This game will see you punching and squatting as you box to the beat. You’ll get your whole body moving, which makes for an at-home cardio workout that’s surprisingly effective. If you prefer to work out with a buddy, you can choose whether to work out cooperatively or test your skills by facing off against each other in a virtual ring!

Just Dance 2020
How could this list be complete without the latest in the Just Dance series? As a diehard Just Dance fan, I felt the series lost traction for a while, but it’s certainly back on form with this latest offering which is probably the best yet. There are even 8 kid-friendly songs, so the whole family can get involved. Grab your Joy-Cons and get bopping!

The post 5 Nintendo Switch Games that’ll get you Fit & Active while having Fun appeared first on Sparkle Confidential.
